Happy New Moon! This time it’s in Virgo, which means “Virgin.” At the higher side of the sign, this is pure, humble energy in service to ALL. At the lower side, it can manifest as mental loops that are obsessed with details and perfection.
So how do we harness the pure part of ourselves to help us be more of ourselves? We become willing and we ask for guidance.
Doing release work during the New and/or Full Moon has been helping me tremendously. I was feeling lonely all day yesterday, which is pretty unlike me. The loneliness was also a sort of homesickness…for a home that I don’t have. I was petsitting at a familiar home with familiar pups, but I could shake the feeling, even after a walk into town and getting brunch (sitting at the bar next to the other girl who was rockin it solo) and then doing some work at my one of my favorite places to do work–Dobra Tea. People all around me and chatting with tourists. I did all the things I usually do to help my mood–exercise, treat myself to a good meal, HOT CHOCOLATE, and even a nap! But I couldn’t shake it.
And that last cure that I’m still learning to do–reach out! The easiest person to reach out to is my mother. So I texted her this: “Do you think I can get a new home, a new partner and launch my new business before the new year? (Actually, not just launch, but be wildly successful?!? 😜)
Mom replied, quoting Jennifer Racioppi from her book Cosmic Health:
If we haven’t been physically fit before, we believe we never will be. If our intimate relationships have always ended in betrayal and heartache, we believe that, as the song says, ‘love hurts,’ and so on.
These are all forms of learned mindlessness, which shows us only what we believe and what we’ve experienced and blinds us to what’s actually possible.
This struck such an emotional chord with me, that I knew there were belief systems that I was ready to release. Emotions for me are the truth indicator. They don’t always have to be tears (though at the special time of the month, which for me is around the New Moon, they tend to be!), it can be a deep feeling of tenderness for what is real or compassion for the limiting nature of our journeys. The blocks that we place before ourselves so we know the true meaning of transformation.
I can release belief systems or blocks pretty easily these days. It ALWAYS starts with intention and energy; a prayer. I ask Gaia and my Higher Self to help. I ASK–are these belief systems that are playing out in my life?
Immediately I get a YES for the way that my home has been a transient-touch-down and elusive thing. I saw 8-year-old me who was so ANGRY about being relocated from New Mexico to Virginia, so forceful in her feeling, she created a belief system that it’s better not to be rooted. Without a permanent home, we won’t have to grieve that home so deeply when we lose it. Tenderness and compassion for this 8-year-old Randi. I take as long as I need to feel her and where she resides in my body. Feel her pain, and love her and forgive her at the same time. Then, when that feels done, I release it.
How about my general lack of intimate relationships? Is this a belief system that’s holding me back–do I believe “love hurts”? Oh, YES! There it is. The emotive truth. The understanding unraveling here was based on my codependency–that I have to take care of everyone else so how could I ever be in a relationship where my needs were met? The impossibility of it was still living in my body and playing out my scripts. Feel it. Love her, forgive her. Let her go.
I was happy to learn that there isn’t a belief system that’s hindering a wildly successful new business! Hurrah! I point this out because unless we seek guidance that we trust, our Higher Self or Higher Power or deeply listening to our body, sometimes we ruminate on a problem that doesn’t exist, just like Virgo in a mental rut might.
I cut these two cords and enjoyed a beautiful night’s sleep. This morning, I feel refreshed and renewed (and managed to release two more “ancient” energies that presented themselves in our New Moon Meditation).
It’s also important that with every release, you pray/ask for a graceful integration in Divine Timing. If I had released that much conditioning without graceful integration, I may lose my sense of Self or who I’ve been or how I got here! We’re human and we live (mostly) in a linear-time construct that can be to our benefit. Remember that you’re receiving help (and often little tests!) from your guidance every time a little shard of that old belief system returns. It’s done, now it has to leave your lifestyle.
Try This: Releasing Old Belief Systems
- Get into a relaxed state and ground. (in meditation, nature, journeying, waking up from a nap or in the middle of the night, after a bath, yoga, etc)
- Connect to your guidance. (Higher Power, Higher Self, etc)
- Express gratitude to your guidance and for your life. Let it radiate from your heart.
- Remain in a state of open willingness; nonattached.
- Ask your guidance to present to you a belief system that no longer serves you.
- Wait patiently as an image is presented, a color and/or a feeling.
- Once it’s formed, feel where it resides in your body. This may trigger an emotional response (an indicator of truth!)
- As you understand the origin of the belief system, feel the emotional quality for as long as you need to. (For those belief systems that originated from repression of feeling, this is especially important.)
- Then shift to love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. If you need help in this part, ask your guidance.
- Release the old belief system. You can charge the chakras in your palms and cut the cord by passing your hands over where it originates in your body. Say out loud, “I release this belief system that no longer serves me.” Or simply exhale and let it go.
- Express gratitude to your guidance and ask that you integrate your expanded self in Divine Timing with all necessary assistance.
- Do the process again or if that was a big one, breath deeply and take care of your New Self!
Big takeaways for me in this New Moon: We Need Each Other. Even as I am pretty proficient in my self-reflective-New-Moon-emotive-cry-cry rituals, it took reaching out to get me to do the real work. That was the magic ingredient. And that’s what keeps us grounded in our Virgo-Earth energy.
In this moment, you and I are Pure Perfection in this Virgo season. Limiting belief systems that remain buried, that are coming to the surface, and that are so far gone that they feel they belong to another person–it all makes us who we are. It’s humbling, being human. To be humble and reach out for help and guidance…oooo! That’s the Virgo’s Virgin Magic!
How are you doing in your work of Release & Surrender?
Do you often feel yourself humble?
Do you reach out for help?
Do you accept and love that part of you that is Pure Devotion to Spirit/Source/All That Is/[Insert your name for your Higher Power]?
Are you in service to yourself as much as you are in service to each other?
Do you have your own process for releasing belief systems that no longer serve you?
Please comment or share–give us the gift of your experience!