The EarthHeart Healing Community is a sacred space. Our intention is for healing–supporting and empowering ourselves and others in the process. I will practice safe and healthy communication to the best of my ability. I trust that when I share, it will remain confidential, unless I give permission for it to be shared outside of the community. I will honor the confidentiality of others and will ask them permission to share their story. I will do my best to accept all who I interact with and think about any harmful judgements before expressing them (especially as these judgements typically harm myself!). I will not digitally, verbally, or emotionally attack anyone, and if I feel I need to confront someone while I’m frustrated or angry, I will ask for support from someone I trust and hold in high esteem to ensure boundaries are created and upheld in a healthy way. Therefore, I do not expect any attacks on myself, with others practicing healthy boundaries and safe communication to the best of their ability. I am practicing self love, which makes it easier to express love and kindness towards others. I am willing to learn, to grow, and to be delighted by my positive progress along the way.
If I decide to practice yoga with the Liminal Yoga videos, I understand that yoga is a physical practice of movement, balance, and awareness. I am aware of the risks to injury, and if I am feeling unsure or unstable, I will practice the highest form of yoga–self study. I will advance my practice to seek help from the instructor, stillness, or modify to a safe and secure position. If participating through a live Zoom class, I will position the camera so that the instructor can see my body and offer adjustments. I will breathe and trust my body. If I decide to practice Meditation & Breathwork through videos or live sessions, I will practice at a pace that my nervous system can handle. I understand that these practices offer detoxes and releases, in which case I will take rest and restore while I heal. I assume full responsibility for any and all damages and healing, which may incur through participation.