EarthHeart Haven
Expanded Perspective Creative Process

Expanded Perspective Creative Process

Welcome Intrepid Creator!

You have found yourself here because you are ready to create with a deeper connection and understanding of Mama Earth and your Unlimited Potential!

This is not just a series of meditations…it is more like a mini-course, or better yet a practice. It includes exercises that will reflect your progress. Practicing them will change not only your belief systems to accommodate your growth, but broaden your awareness of how truly connected you are to the Web of Life!

⏳ If you can dedicate around an hour to this daily practice, then you may find a better understanding and deeper integration of this Creation Process–especially during the Spring, Summer & Autumn portions, as more and more comes to fruition and then requires a letting go to make space for more YOU! ⌛️

Techie Note! 🤓 The original idea was to make videos of all parts of this process, so Vyrrlah refers to the actual audio meditations as “videos.” Also, if you are interested in some details of my experience doing the meditations as an example, you can click on the ⬇️ arrow by “Randi’s Reflections” to expand the text.

Meet Vyrrlah!

An introduction to Vyrrlah–an interdimensional being and guide for the New Earth–who has provided these meditations, exercises, and offers a shift to a wider and more connected perspective through the practice.

Part I: Winter


Watch this video before beginning the audio meditation below.

The Meditation

Listen to this meditation daily if possible for at least a week.

It may be helpful to have an eye mask or pillow on while you do this meditation to encourage darkness as well as noise cancelling head phones if you have them. There is also a long pause without any sound. This in intentional and most likely the track is still going!

Play the audio track or download it below.

✨ Mantra for the Week 📣

I exist and I am enough.

✨ Journal Prompts! 🖋️

After a week, how do you feel? What is changing in your perspective? What are you noticing?

🌎💚 If you are an EarthHeart Healing Member, I encourage you to share your questions, comments, and reflections in this post! 💙🌏

In a very dynamic time of growth in my life, this meditation helped me with patience and to surrender to Divine Timing. I began to crave the solace of The Void, which also contributed to a sense of “I am more than this life/body/desire.” The multidimensional stretching of time and space ALONG WITH the present act of creation has changed me more completely than I expected!

Part II: Spring


Watch this video before beginning the audio meditation below.

The Meditation

Listen to this meditation daily if possible for at least a week.

As we are naming desires as they arise and reaffirming them throughout the week, it may be helpful to have a journal present.

NOTE: While you are repeating the meditation, you may review and FEEL your seeds germinating in the ground. Perhaps new FEELING seeds arise. If so, plant them. It’s normal to have one to several “left-field seeds” arise even as you repeat the meditation daily. 🌱

Play the audio track or download it below.

✨ Mantra for the Week 📣

I am constant becoming.

✨ Journal Prompts! 🖋️

How are your behavior and thought patterns, body movements and habits, relationships, etc, asking you to change to nurture your seeds into reality?

After a week, how do you feel?

🌎💚 If you are an EarthHeart Healing Member, I encourage you to share your questions, comments, and reflections in this post! 💙🌏

I was amazed at how many of those “left field seeds” popped up and outta me! Often there were more of those than the conscious, “left-brained seeds” that I planted pretty early in the week. For me, each seed had a unique shape, size, and texture. I never knew where I planted them, but as the week progressed, a large, central wild-looking plant grew faster than the others. Even by the end of the 4 weeks, I’m not quite sure what this seed represents, but I’m looking forward to finding out! I’ll know it when I see/sense it!

Part III: Summer


Watch this video before beginning the audio meditation below.

The Meditation

Listen to this meditation daily if possible for at least a week.

Again, I highly recommend journaling through the Timeline Tracking portion of the meditation.

NOTE: It helps me to note the shifts in my belief system(s), actions taken towards the realizing of the manifestation, and energy upgrades while doing the Timeline Tracking. Energy rarely moves without us making room for it or tending to it!

Once you have completed the week-long meditation, release the Timeline Tracking and let it rest. When you feel impatience around it arriving, then you can sit with the meditation and/or check in again as far as the proximity of the timeline integration. It may be helpful to note when you are in the Timeline/your desire has physically manifested (probably in a way you didn’t expect!) This helps the mind understand the timing of unfolding for when you do the entire Meditation series again for the next big asking(s) in your life!

Play the audio track or download it below.

✨ Mantra for the Week 📣

I am THE PLEASURE of my own ripening.

✨ Journal Prompts! 🖋️

As the timeline of your manifestation(s) draws near, how are you changing to become the vibration of that timeline in which you are wanting to live in?

What new habits, thoughts, belief systems are emerging to reflect this new reality/rise in vibration?

What synchronicities and unexpected connections are arriving so that your creation is very much ALIVE–if not physically manifested in your life?

After a week, how do you feel?

🌎💚 If you are an EarthHeart Healing Member, I encourage you to share your questions, comments, and reflections in this post! 💙🌏

Even though I planted many seeds based on feelings, there were four areas of focus that I desired to manifest. By the end of the week, I was “living in” 3 of the 4 timelines, and the remaining one was very close! I noticed that in the Timeline Tracking, my proximity to the timeline would “jump” as I was also “shifting foundational belief systems” from a practice we did through Expanded Numerology in our Meditation & Breathwork session.*

One example of these four is that from January of this year, I knew I had to move my Shamanic Journey Circle to a new home. I had found and applied to an event space that was undergoing some renovations. My loose “deadline” was to move the Circle by March/April. I had checked in with the creators of this space and they were hoping to have it completed by the end of Summer, which felt a little crunchy for me. I had to let go of that possibility, and when I did, during this week of my Summer Manifestation, a friend and Journeyer who knew I was looking sent me a video of another space I hadn’t heard of. I contact them and BOOM! There I was on the schedule. A couple days later, I met them in person and there were so many obvious synchronicities I felt the energy of FLOW, growth and expansion in a tremendous way!

Once again, (especially after completing the four meditations/seasons) I see how there is typically an element of letting go involved in bringing new things into life/alignment!

Another example is a romantic partnership. I was merged with that timeline within Day 3 (again because of a shift of a foundational belief system). I have not met this person yet, but they began to show up as a full grown Pine Tree in my garden, even through the Autumn meditations. In that last week, I was given many gifts that are relating to my pineal gland/pine cone–which is connecting me back to the strength, grace, expansion, longevity, and vision (the feelings I am desiring with this partnership!) I have also been connecting to this person through my dreams** which again indicates that I am connected to them energetically even as I practice patience until the time that I “unexpectedly” meet/align with them in person!

*If you are an EarthHeart Healing Member, you can access the Expanded Numerology video/practice here
**and the Dream Workshop here.

Part IV: Autumn


Watch this video before beginning the audio meditation below.

The Meditation

Listen to this meditation daily if possible for at least a week.

Again, I highly recommend journaling on what comes up throughout these three opportunities during the meditation to let go.

NOTE: Something that is outside of your seeds of desire that you planted may come forward to be released. Often, when we make room by letting “the old” pass, will “the new” of what we are manifesting is then able to arrive.

Play the audio track or download it below.

✨ Mantra for the Week 📣


✨ Journal Prompts! 🖋️

Was there something in your letting go that surprised you?

Did something come forward to be released that you thought you had already released/was another layer to look at?

Are there emotions coming up along with the gifts/releases?

As Vyrrlah says, is a relationship asking YOU to change? If so, what are those changes?

What is different about your life as you near/merge with the timelines/new versions of you that you are choosing?

After a week, how do you feel? After a month of this reflection/timeline shifting, how is reality different?

🌎💚 If you are an EarthHeart Healing Member, I encourage you to share your questions, comments, and reflections in this post! 💙🌏

On Day 5 of my Autumn meditation, one of the gifts I was given was a “stripping down” to be once again in The Void. It’s been a very busy couple of weeks with lots of passion and drive towards creative projects (including releasing this meditation series!). I was feeling pressure around my ears and behind my eyes, usually an indication that it’s nap time/time to rest. I could really feel the Autumn Medicine of allowing myself to “strip down” from the busyness of the day (Summer) and even spending a few moments as the music played in the Void was a part of the creative process. Afterwards, the pressure released!

As is typical for me during this time of my life of rapid evolution, I found myself feeling WHOLLY NEW after a week of getting at least three messages of areas of my life that are ending and/or changing each day. Often I would have a journey experience to be shown what the gift was. I always know there have been some deep energetic shifts when I wake up and look around my space and I literally feel like another person inhabiting it from when I went to sleep! Wholly new, indeed! My work then is always to integrate the newness, look/feel for the old patterns that now come across as awkward and do it differently.

How to Continue the Process…

Vyrrlah offers suggestions to continue working with the meditation series.

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Liminal Healing – Personal sessions with Vyrrlah & more

Yoga Classes – Online & In-person

Meditation & Breathwork – FREE live Zoom sessions

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