Healing & Movement Practice: Tap In!
Healing & Movement Practice: Tap In!

Healing & Movement Practice: Tap In!

<a class="ps-wpem__organizer-name" href="https://earthhearthaven.com/profile/?randi_janelle/">
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    Randi Janelle</a>

Healing & Movement Practice: Tap In!

73 73 people viewed this event.

Perhaps you’ve heard of the Emotional Freedom Technique? It uses tapping to help “rewire” your thought patterns through your nervous system…which can be a powerful way to effect personal change!

In this session, we will move our bodies, tapping to wake up our circulation and muscles before doing more of the trauma-release/re-patterning work!

Thursday, July 20 6:30-7:30pm EST

Best if you eat well beforehand or arrive with an empty stomach. If you’re an East Coaster, you may enjoy a lovely night’s sleep after this one!

Please let me know if you’ll be arriving in digital land for this one. This is also open to the public–$10-20 for non-members. Spread optimal nut butter & the word!

Movement is accessible to all. Join us at home via Zoom.

Wear comfortable clothes. Practice in a private space with cushion for your seat if you’re able to sit on the ground or with a comfortable chair. Also have space to stand and move the body. Have a bottle or vessel of pure/filtered water nearby.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82192224993?pwd=YXFKQk5rRjdKMjBiZU1jYWhyV2tqQT09





1 going

Date And Time

2023-07-20 @ 06:30 PM to
2023-07-20 @ 07:30 AM


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