Perhaps you’ve heard of the Emotional Freedom Technique? It uses tapping to help “rewire” your thought patterns through your nervous system…which can be a powerful way to effect personal change!
In this session, we will move our bodies, tapping to wake up our circulation and muscles before doing more of the trauma-release/re-patterning work!
Thursday, July 20 6:30-7:30pm EST
Best if you eat well beforehand or arrive with an empty stomach. If you’re an East Coaster, you may enjoy a lovely night’s sleep after this one!
Please let me know if you’ll be arriving in digital land for this one. This is also open to the public–$10-20 for non-members. Spread optimal nut butter & the word!
Movement is accessible to all. Join us at home via Zoom.
Wear comfortable clothes. Practice in a private space with cushion for your seat if you’re able to sit on the ground or with a comfortable chair. Also have space to stand and move the body. Have a bottle or vessel of pure/filtered water nearby.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82192224993?pwd=YXFKQk5rRjdKMjBiZU1jYWhyV2tqQT09