EarthHeart Haven
Basic Guidelines for Imbibing

Basic Guidelines for Imbibing

Eat when you’re hungry.

Eating more often rather than starving until a big meal is easier on the body and its systems. Feel free to snack, even if it’s to prep the tummy as you’re prepping the meal. (Water, as noted below or fruit works well for this!)

Drink lots of water!

Try and drink a glass or two as you are cooking or prepping a meal, eating about 15 minutes after the last sip. If possible, refrain from drinking liquids during a meal, though a sip or two when the body asks for it is okay. Let food digest without lots of liquid so it doesn’t water down the content. If you are wanting tea or something to sip, wait 30 mins to an hour after you’ve eaten.

Raw or Cooked?

Listen to your body and pay attention to the environment. During the summer when fresh produce is abundant, most likely your body will be tuned to eat and process raw foods easily. But if during the winter or later in the evening you are craving cooked veggies or softer foods, then honor that. Take the cues from your body as well as the seasons for energy levels and what cravings you have (from the body rather than those from emotions, habits, or nostalgia). Eat what inspires you!

Eat slowly and with mindfulness.

It helps to thank the food, as it’s providing you bookoos of energy! You can even get sexy with it and thank the grocer, the farmers, the plants, the rain, the soil, the sun, etc! There has been so much energy that has gone into your meal–the body will recognize that as you consume it and give it back to you!

Also, if you often eat on the go or in front of a screen, try giving the entire mealtime to the moment–nourish your body, pay attention to the food and how your body receives it, and give your mind some space to really tune into the art and sacred act of eating.

Art came to me while I was totally engrossed in my meal instead of reading and the poem Finding God in My Italian Leftovers was created! Pay attention to what inspires you as you pay attention!

Eat portions that your body agrees with.

Usually your first burp during a meal is an indication that you’re full. If you only have a couple bites left, go for it. But if there’s another meal or snack-sized yumminess left, store it for later.

Eat with the sun!

If possible, try and have your largest meal in the middle of the day. The sun and active midday energy help to metabolize the food more efficiently. Or at least see if smaller, snackier-sized meals will work for you in the evenings or closer to bedtime.

Take it at your pace.

Changing what and the way you eat is a huge endeavor! It is an immersive part of your life, so be patient with it. It’s important you progress at the pace that your body as well as your routines, environment and emotional habits allow. Listen to your intuition or seek guidance from us if taking the work to the next level seems overwhelming or confusing (or that you can’t wait to go further!). Work at your unique speed, and love yourself for that.


Be easy on yourself. This is YOUR BODY talking so be kind to it and try and listen to its wisdom. Stay in the moment and respect it for what it is NOW, rather than what it could/will be. Offer gratitude as an open stream. The body is a wonderful resource for what it wants and needs to be healthy, efficient, energetic and happy. 😀

Reflect, Integrate & Share!

Which one of these guidelines do you already practice?
Which one is difficult for you? Why?
Is there a habit your body really likes at mealtime?

Please share with us in the EarthHeart Healing Community!